Nashville First in the Nation to Name a Street After a ‘Drag Queen’

The first street in the United States to be named after a “Drag Queen” will be located in Nashville, Tennessee, naming the road “Bianca Paige Way.”

The city held a dedication ceremony on Saturday after the measure was approved by the Nashville metro council earlier last week.

The road was named after Mark Middleton, a biological male who was a female impersonator under the name “Bianca Paige the Pantomime Rage” (pictured above).

Middleton performed throughout the 1980s. He passed away in 2010 after a battle with HIV/AIDS.

The decision comes after “drag queens” have been at the center of controversial “Drag Queen Story Hours,” where men – dressed in full stage make-up and wardrobe – have read books to young children at local libraries.

Nashville Mayor John Cooper celebrated the move. “Today, I joined so many to celebrate and honor the life of Bianca Paige, a Nashville legend. The first street in America, named after a drag performer, is right here in our city” he said in a tweet.

Mayor Cooper’s brother, U.S. Representative Jim Cooper (D-TN-05), was also in attendance, along with other city officials. 

This is not the first time Nashville’s elected officials have catered to the far-left of their constituency. Earlier this month, the Metro Council approved a permit by activists to repaint a 350-foot mural dedicated to Black Lives Matter (BLM), a movement with ties to Marxism.

The move was aimed at celebrating the federal government passing a law to make Juneteenth a federal only — an idea originally discussed under President Donald Trump.

The origins of the Juneteenth celebration are rooted from the date in 1865, when enslaved Black people in Texas finally heard that they had been freed under the Emancipation Proclamation — legislation that President Abraham Lincoln had issued more than two years earlier.

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Cooper Moran is a reporter for the Star News Network. Follow Cooper on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Image “Bianca Paige” by RDBROO.


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19 Thoughts to “Nashville First in the Nation to Name a Street After a ‘Drag Queen’”

  1. Darrin R

    Vile and disgusting. Why are any of you even surprised? We are all at fault for this shit! We are DUTY BOUND to disobey all unlawful laws and lawmakers and to throw off ANY form of government that flies in the direct opposite direction of what is MORAL and RIGHT! We didn’t and since the 1913 passing of the federal reserve act its been all downhill since. Firearms are controlled. Travel is controlled. Permission is required to operate your own personal property that your own stolen income pays for. Spee h is controlled. Rain is taxed. Morality and the love of and need to defend liberty is unacceptable to be taught in school. School has become a disgusting indoctrination camp for our kids that we willingly send to! We all DESERVE this. Refusing to stand against ANY SLIGHT TYRANNY deserves the most OPPRESSIVE TYRANNY possible to be inflicted upon the ones who stood idly by.

    Also, whilst reading through all the (mostly right side wing of the banker bird who carries all of us) comments, I realized that the majority of you are all slaves to the 2 party paradigm lie meant to divide and destroy. Republicrats and Demoplicans. Every bird needs 2 wings to fly. And this banker owned nation utilizes both of those wings to their fullest extent to keep us divided. The left promotes shit like this and restrictions on liberties that CANNOT EVER be restricted. The right promotes shit like this and restriction on our liberties that CANNOT EVER be restricted. Our “elected” representatives are out of control and represent none of us and only their respective agendas. We have an out of control (and never supposed to exist in the current manner) law enforcement MAFIA that uses fear and the threat of violence if you don’t comply with politician’s opinions.. We have an out of control military industrial complex that sends kids off to murder and die for a disgusting lie like “protecting americans and ‘democracy'” when in reality they are a professionally organized hit squad for the banking elite that fund the fiat currency that all of us accepts as “money”. No military man has EVER fought for my freedom or liberties. In fact, they come back and become the liberty thieving thugs that protect and serve” us through fear and violence.

    Uhg, too much to try to educate slaves who not only willingly live in their illusion of freedom but actually DESIRE & DEMAND “state security”. I mean, what’s a few libertiesost when you can get some “security” provided by the state in the form of tyrannical political opinion enforcing liberty thieves?!? Sounds like utopia to me!

    Fkn idiots. Americans are coward compliers.

  2. John

    Definitely going to add this sign to the list of trash to vandalize the hell out of at night.
